Finally, after our long journey, Peter and I made our way back home. I wanted him to meet Aunt Em and Uncle Henry, but he was in too much of a rush for a new adventure. He promised me that he would come back next spring as long as I was still gay and innocent and heartless to hear more stories from me. I wish I could have told him that I would not be able to go without Aunt Em and Uncle Henry's permission again, but he flew away so quickly that you would never have believe he was ever there! Aunt Em and Uncle Henry were somewhat upset that I had taken off without their consent, but they were extremely happy that me and Toto were back home with them. They agreed to let me go with Peter Pan as long as they could meet him first, however I don't know if they would enjoy me going with Peter once they hear of all the dangers that occurred in our trip. All in all, I enjoyed being with Peter, a new friend! 

It never occurred to us that Dinkerbell may know the way back to Neverland! The scarecrow, tinman, and lion went to the Wizard of Oz to get the things they earned, however Peter and I traveled to Neverland with Dinkerbell and the Lost Boys. I told all of them stories there and they wanted me to stay longer but I was very homesick. That was when Peter decided to let me go back home to Aunt Em and Uncle Henry. Here I come Kansas!

I'm sorry for not making a post for a while, but I was unable to because the Wicked Witch had made me a slave! Don't worry though, she is now dead and all of us are free from bondage. While we were all traveling to the dangerous land of the Wicked Witch, we faced many obstacles. There were bees that tried to sting us to death, creatures who tried to eat us alive, and many more dangers that would be too much to list here. Once we reached the castle, the Wicked Witch of the West made us all her slaves. It was hard and frustrating for Peter, however he had no choice but to obey her otherwise she would whip him. Peter had attempted to kill her many times before he agreed to become her slave, but she could not be cut so he failed every time. Dinkerbell vanished suddenly after a few days, and we were not sure where she went. A week after she left, she returned with the Lost Boys! The Wicked Witch was extremely angry that Dinkerbell had left without her permission and brought more people, but when she tried to whip her, the brave Lost Boys attacked! Peter Pan and the lost boys engaged war once again on the Wicked Witch, but for some reason nothing seemed to kill her. While she was fighting, she threatened to kill Toto with her whip if they did not all surrender at once. Furious, I threw a bucket of water at her and demanded that she let my dog go, however at once she started melting. Turns out that a cold bucket of water killed the witch over everything else that could!

Finally, all of us got to Emerald City. There we waited for a few days in order to see the Wizard of Oz because he was extremely busy. Once we met with him, the Great Oz told us that if we wanted him to grant our wishes, we must kill the Wicked Witch of the East. Peter was happy to hear this news, however the rest of us did not like the sound of the word kill. I guess I must somehow find a way to kill the Wicked Witch now in order to get back home. 

We set out to see the Wizard of Oz today. The Witch of the North was so kind and gave us a fairy to help guide us along the way. Apparently the fairy turned out to be Peter's old friends sister, Dinkerbell. Dinkerbell traveled with us along the yellow brick road, the road which leads to Emerald City. I am so grateful for her, otherwise Peter would not stay focused! He kept on going to another road because he wanted to see what was there, or he would get bored from walking and fly around the place like a little bee! The first friend we met was the Scarecrow. He was placed on top of a huge pole and looked very upset. Peter and I helped the scarecrow get off of the pole and to the ground. He was very upset because he was unable to keep crows away from the fields since he had no brains. Peter offered him to come with us to Emerald City and ask for brains from the Wizard of Oz, and the scarecrow was delighted to be offered the chance to travel with us. The next friend we met was the tinman who was so badly rusted that he had not been able to move for the past year since a storm came. Peter and I helped to oil the man and help him get back up. The tinman was very sad because he said he did not have any heart so he would be unable to feel thankful for our good deed to him. That was when Peter offered the tinman to join our group as well to visit the Great Oz and ask him for a heart, and of course the tinman agreed. The last friend we met on our journey today was the lion. He was crying near a pile of flowers, and once we saw him, we asked why he was crying. He told us that he was crying because he was a coward and had no courage. Once again, Peter asked the Lion to join our group and request the Wizard of Oz for some courage, and the Lion agreed to come with us. 
After staying a day in the Land of the Munchkins with Peter, I asked him when we were going to Neverland. That was when he said to me, "That's a good idea isn't it?" and went outside to look around. I followed him as he flew to the treetops and around the skyline. After a while, I told him that we were just flying around in circles. Then he said to me that he didn't know the way back to Neverland, which also means he does not know the way back to Aunt Em and Uncle Henry. We went to talk to the Good Witch of the North, and she told us that if we wished to get back home, we must go and see the great and powerful Oz in Emerald city. She warned us that there were many dangers across the country, such as Wicked Witches and wild beasts, but Peter said that he would protect me from any harm and that nothing was dangerous to him. To him, it seems as though traveling through this dangerous land is a game! Oh how I wish that I could get back home to Kansas. 
Peter and I got a little off track today because we got caught in a tornadoe. We ended up in the Land of the Munchkins instead. The country is so beautiful, I love it! Peter enjoys it much too, however when I reminded him that we should try to go back to Neverland, he just laughed in my face. I am starting to realize that Peter is someone who enjoys to do things for his own pleasure. He's the type of person who would let you fall into the ocean for his own amusement. I hope I didn't make the wrong decision by choosing to come with him to Neverland. Anyways, I took some pictures of the Land of the Munchkins for you all to see. 
Yesterday at night, while I was in bed, Peter Pan came to my house and taught me how to fly! It was quite sad actually, for the poor thing was crying by my bedside because he could not get his shadow to stick to him. Oh he is such a boy, he was trying to stick his shadow on with soap! After he introduced himself to me, I helped him sew on his shadow. He is so brave and he didn't even flinch when my needle threaded through his foot. Peter told me about where he lives, which is Neverland. He is the captain of the Lost Boys, a group of young boys who never grow up. He told me that he enjoys listening to the story's Aunt Em tells me, like the one about Cinderella. Once he found out that I know many stories, he asked if I would like to come with him to Neverland and tell him and the Lost Boys all the stories I knew. At first, I hesitated, but then I saw a sad and lonely look in his eyes and I couldn't resist. It would have been selfish to want to stay with Aunt Em instead of going with Peter because those boys did not have a mother whereas I did. Peter than taught Toto and I how to fly, and we flew away to Neverland!


    My name is Dorothy and I live in Kansas with my Aunt Em, Uncle Henry, and dog Toto.