Yesterday at night, while I was in bed, Peter Pan came to my house and taught me how to fly! It was quite sad actually, for the poor thing was crying by my bedside because he could not get his shadow to stick to him. Oh he is such a boy, he was trying to stick his shadow on with soap! After he introduced himself to me, I helped him sew on his shadow. He is so brave and he didn't even flinch when my needle threaded through his foot. Peter told me about where he lives, which is Neverland. He is the captain of the Lost Boys, a group of young boys who never grow up. He told me that he enjoys listening to the story's Aunt Em tells me, like the one about Cinderella. Once he found out that I know many stories, he asked if I would like to come with him to Neverland and tell him and the Lost Boys all the stories I knew. At first, I hesitated, but then I saw a sad and lonely look in his eyes and I couldn't resist. It would have been selfish to want to stay with Aunt Em instead of going with Peter because those boys did not have a mother whereas I did. Peter than taught Toto and I how to fly, and we flew away to Neverland!

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    My name is Dorothy and I live in Kansas with my Aunt Em, Uncle Henry, and dog Toto.