We set out to see the Wizard of Oz today. The Witch of the North was so kind and gave us a fairy to help guide us along the way. Apparently the fairy turned out to be Peter's old friends sister, Dinkerbell. Dinkerbell traveled with us along the yellow brick road, the road which leads to Emerald City. I am so grateful for her, otherwise Peter would not stay focused! He kept on going to another road because he wanted to see what was there, or he would get bored from walking and fly around the place like a little bee! The first friend we met was the Scarecrow. He was placed on top of a huge pole and looked very upset. Peter and I helped the scarecrow get off of the pole and to the ground. He was very upset because he was unable to keep crows away from the fields since he had no brains. Peter offered him to come with us to Emerald City and ask for brains from the Wizard of Oz, and the scarecrow was delighted to be offered the chance to travel with us. The next friend we met was the tinman who was so badly rusted that he had not been able to move for the past year since a storm came. Peter and I helped to oil the man and help him get back up. The tinman was very sad because he said he did not have any heart so he would be unable to feel thankful for our good deed to him. That was when Peter offered the tinman to join our group as well to visit the Great Oz and ask him for a heart, and of course the tinman agreed. The last friend we met on our journey today was the lion. He was crying near a pile of flowers, and once we saw him, we asked why he was crying. He told us that he was crying because he was a coward and had no courage. Once again, Peter asked the Lion to join our group and request the Wizard of Oz for some courage, and the Lion agreed to come with us. 

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    My name is Dorothy and I live in Kansas with my Aunt Em, Uncle Henry, and dog Toto.